About us

The St Vincent and the Grenadines Hotel Association (SVGHA) was established in 1968 to promote closer fellowship with members on the main island of St Vincent and throughout the Grenadines, to promote good relations between hotels and business houses and to foster a good working relationship with the Government. We are a non-profit organisation registered under the Companies Act, chapter 219 and bearing the registration #114 of 1968. In 1999, the Constitution of the Association was amended to include non-accommodation businesses. The name of the Association was therefore changed to the St Vincent and the Grenadines Hotel and Tourism Association (SVGHTA) to reflect this change.
The St Vincent and the Grenadines Hotel and Tourism Association is a member of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA).
In June 1987, under the then elected President Anthony Sardine, the Association established its own office and appointed Mrs. Dawn Smith as Executive Director. Prior to setting up this office, the association employed a secretary who was based in the office of the country’s Tourism Department.

The further development of a high quality local tourism industry that is fully understood and embraced by the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines and which, through cooperative action between the Government and the Private Sector, makes a significant and sustainable contribution to development in St Vincent and the Grenadines.
Primary roles
& Functions
- To promote co-operation, understanding and closer association amongst the management of hotels, clubs, guest houses, and other establishments in St. Vincent and the Grenadines catering in any way to the comfort and well being of guests and patrons or to the Tourism Industry in general.
- To establish and maintain a code of ethics to be followed in all business dealings by all members of the Association whether as between one another or third parties.
- To protect and support the members of the Association in matters relating to their trade or businesses.
- To stimulate and develop sustained interest in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tourism Industry at home and abroad.
- To liaise continuously with the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Government-sponsored bodies or agencies or Government departments with regard to matters affecting the Tourism Industry.
- To engage in, undertake, encourage and support every form of publicity and advertising calculated to promote the aims of the Association.
- Production of a Joint Hotel Accommodation brochure
- Lobbied for theHotel Aids Act#16 of 1988
- Produced Vincy Flavours, a culinary competition
- Participated in the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association’s Taste of the Caribbean competition
- Production of the Escape magazine which was later replace by the Ins and Outs magazine
- Participated in Hands on training in Barbados sponsored by Canadian International Development Agency.
- Participated in Caribbean Regional HRD Programme for Economic Competitiveness (CPEC) a project which provided training, office equipment and attachments. The project also provides the opportunity to work with the Government Authorities in establishing national tourism and hospitality standards.
- Organized and facilitated Joint regional promotions
- Worked with government authorities with the introduction of VAT
- Introduction of an annual programme of training workshops and seminars
- Introducing annual awards. Each year Awards are presented to members (owners, managers, employees)
- Developed a Weekly tourism radio programme Tourism Chit Chat
- Production of the Breadfruit Recipes Book in 2009 with assistance from the OAS
- Production of the weekly What’s On in St Vincent publication
- Production of the quarterly newsletter PAPAYO!
- Developed of a Strategic Plan (2003-2006)
- Production of a Members Information Booklet