General Info

General Destination Information

Size & Location: St. Vincent and the Grenadines is located between St. Lucia, 24 miles to the north, and Grenada, 75 miles to the south. Barbados is 100 miles east of St. Vincent. The island of St. Vincent is situated at 130 15’N. Latitude, and 600 56’W Longitude and is 18 miles long and 11 miles wide.

Areas and Distance from St. Vincent (the main island)
IslandSizeDistance from St. Vincent
St. Vincent 133 sq. Miles
Bequia 7 sq. Miles 9 miles
Mustique 2 sq. Miles 17 miles
Canouan 3.2 sq. Miles 29 miles
Mayreau 1 sq. Mile35
Union Island 3 sq. Miles 36 miles
Palm Island 0.2 sq. Miles 41 miles
Petit St. Vincent0.2 sq. Miles 44 miles

Population: St Vincent – 98,954; Northern Grenadines (Bequia, Mustique) – 6,184; Southern Grenadines (Canouan, Mayreau, Union Island/ Tobago Cays – 4,050; Palm Island – resort/Petit St Vincent – resort).

Climate: Average daytime temperatures range from 24°C  to 30°C. There are 2 main seasons – A Dry Season from January to April and a Rainy Season from July to October. The Hurricane Season is from June to November.

Language: English is the official language, but a dialect is spoken by Vincentians.

Business Hours: Most businesses open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Mondays to Fridays, and 8:00 am to 12 noon on Saturdays. Supermarkets generally have longer hours and many open on Sundays.

Time Difference: St Vincent and the Grenadines is in the Atlantic Standard Time Zone.

Health Care: There are Health Facilities on St Vincent, Bequia, Mustique, Canouan, Mayreau and Union Island.

Government: SVG is governed by a democratically elected government. Elections are constitutionally due every 5 years.

Currency: The Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$) is the local currency, and is pegged to the US Dollar.The banks give EC$2.67 for US$1 cash.

Credit Cards: Major Credit Cards are generally accepted at licensed accommodation facilities, car rental companies and major supermarkets.

Electricity: Voltage is 220 volts – 50 cycles.

Water: The water is safe to drink. Bottled water is available.

Dress Code: Reminder – What is considered suitable for the beach is considered unacceptable on the streets and in our business places.

Telecommunications: SVG has a modern telecommunications system with 2 major mobile service providers.

Getting Here: Argyle International Airport (AIA) – a modern international airport with direct flights from New York, Miami, Toronto and London,as well as flights from within the region. There are airports in Bequia, Mustique, and Union Island for small aircraft, and one in Canouan which is capable of receiving smaller jet aircraft.

Taxes: VAT on rooms: 11%:VAT on food 16%; CRL US$3.00 per room per night;Service charge 10%

Getting Around: There is an abundance of Taxis and car hire approved by the SVG Tourism Authority. Flights are available between the islands, and ferry services are also available.

Immigration: Must present a valid passport, funds to cover stay, return ticket. Visas are required for nationals from Dominican Republic, China, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria. Contact the Prime Minister’s Office for work permits.

Air Ports : There are five (5) airports

  • Argyle International Airport (AIA) (mainland)
  • Bequia
  • Mustique
  • Canouan
  • Union Island

Sea Ports : There are nine (9) seaports. they are situated at:
  • Kingstown 
  • Campden Park
  • Blue Lagoon (Ratho Mill)
  • Walliabou
  • Chateaubelair
  • Bequia
  • Mustique
  • Canouan
  • Union Island

Yacht Clearance: Visiting yachts must be cleared at a designated port of entry before docking at any other anchorage. Designated Ports of are:
St Vincent: Kingstown, Chateaubelair, Wallilabou, Blue Lagoon;

Bequia: Port Elizabeth;

Union Island: Clifton Harbour;

Canouan: Charlestown Bay;

Mustique: Britannia Bay.

Hospitals and Medical Care:St.Vincent – Milton Cato Memorial Hospital,

Kingstown (784) 451-2460/4561185, Emergency 784 456-1955;

Chateaubelair Hospital: 784 458-2228;

Levi Latham Health Care: 784-458-5245;

Variety Medical Complex: 784 456-6319;

Integrated Medical Centre: 784-451-2488;

Health Solutions Inc: (784)451-2836/432-0218;
Bequia – Port Elizabeth Hospital, Bequia 784-458-3294; Clinic: 784-457-3328;

Dr Patrick Chevailler Medical Office Bequia (Private): (784) 458-8829/4971722

Mustique – Mustique Medical Clinic: (784) 488-8353

Canouan- Canouan Health Clinic: 784-458-8305

Union Island -Union Island Health Centre: 784-458-8339

Georgetown –  Modern Medical Complex: (532-1400)

Police and Protection Services
Emergency: 911/999/311

Kingstown: 784-457-1211

Bequia: (784) 458-3350/458-3250

Canouan: 784-458-8100

Union Island: 784-458-8229

SVG Port Authority: 784-456-1830

SVG Coastguard, Calliaqua: 784-457-4578

Crime Hotline: 784-458-1234 or 311

Drugs Hotline: 784-457-3784 or 411